Monday, September 15

Why am I an Atheist

This blog of profanity contains sensitive religious issues. Don’t read it if the truth is going to hurt your feelings.

I’m an atheist. A person who believes that there is no God.

I was not born an atheist. In fact, my parents were some hardcore Buddhism that they'd constantly subscribe a large fortune to the temples
. They even put me into Sunday-school. So I was pretty much brainwashed and blinded by the religious claims until my intellect was up to where I could see things from different angles.

How do we exist? Who created the universe? Who’s that almighty one so true and noble that has created such a world so perfect to stay in? God. Any Sunday-school child can tell you that. But before this God can create something, one must first produce the God. There is no bull shit like ‘God is just there by natural’, that could justify the question. Because if God could exist solely by natural, why can’t everything else exist by natural itself? It’d be ironic to defy it. I mean, it neither can be proved nor disproved because no one was there to witness the origin of the universe or the origin of life, thus we cannot simply come to the conclusion that there was a higher being that’s playing the role of a creator. God is just a concept created by humans; it exists only by Faith alone, not by logic, certainly not by any sort of proof. God didn’t create us, we created it.

On the other hand, if there was a God, he is not deserv
ing of worship, for creating a world such a failure, as you can find murders, rape, child abuse or whatsoever everywhere. If he has not been able to abolish evil, then he is not as potent as we think he is. How many innocent lives have been taken away each and every day? That’s the point. Believers chose to overlook it, on purpose perhaps, because it contradicts the way they think about God. It’s amazing how they could create a delusion by taking a contradiction and turn it into a non- contradiction, but makes perfect sense. Etc: they’d praise God for any fortune that has ever happened; but when it comes to the calamities, they'd make reference to themselves, leaving out God off the picture, evidently, they choose to live in denial because once again, the truth hurts them.

And I could not see how God could tend to the lives of so many people with the care and personal attention that each person on Earth desires and commands.

Meanwhile, religion is the creation of man, not of any higher being. This being the case, religion is subject to all flaws, mistakes, faults a human never void of. They could be wrong. Furthermore, every religion has its own beliefs and perceptions, and all of that differ vastly from religion to religion. For instance:

Hindus believe it does–your karma, which depends on what you do in this life, decides what happens in the next.

Muslims generally believe that morality benefits the individual–one could loosely characterize the teachings as saying that at the end of each human life, a pair of angels come down to weigh the departed soul, sending him off to a better place if he has done well and off to a worse place if he has done badly.

Roman Catholics explicitly teach that morality reduces one’s time in Purgatory.

And every theist is self righteous about his own religion and beliefs that comes along w it, at the meanwhile rejecting all other external ideas. But the truth is simple. Say you attempted this Add Math question 5 times, and every each time you get a different answer. It could only mean that all 5 of your answers are wrong. =]



So how do we exist? Who created the universe? Who’s that almighty one so true and noble that has created such a world so perfect to stay in? I do not know. Science hasn’t explained it all but someday, it will.

Friday, September 12

Tired & Exhausted

She is going for clubbing tonight. So I made her promise me to text me when she got home.

11.00pm –

I decided to sleep first and hopefully I could wake up to her message.

12.00am –

I leaned against my left arm, allowing myself to face my phone on the right side of my pillow. I find myself staring at my phone most of the time rather than closing my eyes so as to have a peaceful sleep. My left arm started to go numb. I knew it was going to be a long night.

1.00am –

If Australian clubs close at 3am, it would be 1am in Malaysia’s time zone. I guess it’s about time she’d message me about her safe arrival. So I got up from my bed at around 1.30am, signed into my msn but appeared offline. Waiting.

2.30am –

Nothing happened. I started to get a lil bit disappointed. Well, maybe Australian clubs have longer party hours, so I’m going to have to wait longer. I tried to deceive myself by thinking that way.

3.30am –

I went up to the roof-top to have a smoke. Chill yang sik...She is probably yamcha-ing with her friends right now. Everyone needs to get sober after clubbing so they go to mamak remember? So I’m going to have to wait a lil longer. Just a lil longer yang sik... just a lil…

3.45am -

Michelle msged. but i didn't feel like talking. sorry.

4.00am –

I went back to my bed. I knew she wouldn’t text me already.

4.30am –

I lay sprawled, rolling all over my bed trying to catch some sleep. Agitated. Let downed. Depressed. Losing sleep.

6.45am –

I saw the first faint rays of dawn. I checked my phone. I looked into my inbox to see if i accidentally opened her sms without knowing. Nope. Then I looked at the clock. It was 6.45am already.

You said you would text. And I stayed up all night. ALL NIGHT LONG, can u imagine how i have been through it? I have been staring at the monitor for hours waiting for you to come online, staring at the phone until i have become so sick of its design, and i smoke like I'd get lung cancer the next day. I’m not a patient person but I did that for you man. Is this how you show up to me? I wonder while you were having fun, were you aware that i was there alone worrying, thinking about you? Damn! Why am I still living in the past!

I feel like I don’t matter anymore. Never mind. It's alright. It's ok. At least I had a clear thought in my mind tonight. That you do not deserve my best and I certainly do not have to remain faithful to you anymore. I do not deserve to be a victim of my own commitment. Thanks for letting me know that the feelings weren't mutual.

I never considered myself a jealous person until i met you. Sorry if i have overreacted. It was just because i loved you too much. TOO MUCH. No big deal. You wouldn’t find another guy who loved you like I did. DID. Note that. No one else is as blind and stupid. And when you come to realize the fact, you would know what you have been missing out all these while, and I would have been woken up to the person who knows my worth already.

Now, feel free and go do whatever you like, especially those things you were once restricted to do when i was with you. Coz nobody is going to have a say already. Likewise it would also mean that i will not be concerned if you were losing sleep for your assignments, I am not going to sacrifice my time to accompany you late at night till the next morning to finish your assignments, and you could forget about my phone calls because I'm not going to burn a hole in my pocket making any oversea calls again. Maybe other girls yea. But NOT YOU.

I feel so much better now. I feel relieved. Finally I could released and let go of everything. I have been tired and exhausted all these while. Now, I just want to sleep and think of nothing...

Wednesday, September 3


It's not Law of Diminishing Returns. We are talking about long distance relationship.

Have u ever been very indecisive over choices of your uni, trying hard to change the plan of your life, adjust it to the way so you can have a good grip on your love ones? Do you feel like abandoning all your goals and start making decisions based solely on your love ones? And when you get a grip and come to your senses, you feel like you are fcuking stupid? I do. I have been through it.





This is my story.





I met her in a camp to Taiwan. I noticed her in an instant. Sometimes, when you meet someone, before you even know their name, you know that sometime in the future, this person is going to mean something to you. Well, not long after the camp, we got together on 14th march, the white valentine’s day.



She was everything good. When I needed her most, she never failed to be there for me. She listens to me, respects me and have always been trustworthy and honest. She’d be so understanding that she'll put up with all the flaws in my personalities, accept me for whom I am and never tried to change anything in me. There's not a day that passed by without thinking of her, even now. It's like an everyday kind of thing. When I sat down in a restaurant, i would think about honey lemon tea that we would make fun of; when i walked pass a saloon, i would remember how beautiful her hair is that curls naturally; and during the nights, the last thing in my mind would be wondering if she's sleeping or still staying up late for her assignments.



Everything started to fade away when she was transited to an Australian uni. Her attention has been dilated towards her new friends, her uni assignments, her new life. I felt neglected and became very upset. And now everytime she showed the slightest of attention, I would drop everything I’m doing because I didn’t want to miss it. I even made up conversations we never had, imagine things we would do if we were together. I’m a fcuking idiot.



Likewise, since she isn’t where I can keep my eyes on her, it’s extremely easy to get jealous and suspicious. She never explained, and I never asked. Instead I became more demanding for reassurance, showing resentment over the way I had been treated, but many times I have been disappointed with how our conversations went astray rather than the way I wished it would be. I’m still not detached from all the insecurities that she has created, and all questions were left unanswered.





She’s just somebody that I used to know. I miss her even when I’m talking to her. So I decided to end it all. I started going out with girls whom I met in italiannies, night clubs and snooker clubs. I enjoyed hanging out with them, in fact they are sooo good in every way and some of them are even way hotter and attractive than her. Having a few dates here and there and I could really see myself changing. They helped me forget her. Because yes, I cant stop the fact that I still love her. I wanted to be a good boyfriend, i have so much love to give, but I’m not given the chance. Now, it’s not up to me anymore. If she wants me in her life, she’s gotta find a way to put the pieces back again, and reassure me that I'm not doing something of futility.





The point is, a relationship will only work when both parties are willing to put forth an effort. It's evident now that I was the only one committed to it. Many of us, rather than remaining faithful for years, would go into an open dating policy.










Because no one is willing to take the risk. After all, there are too many uncertainties in life, and life itself has all it has to offer. We never really know. We may think that as long

as we loved each other, nothing will ever come between us. However, bear in mind that your partner might not be as optimistic about the chances of sustaining a LDR, and obviously, one-sided effort will not keep the spark alive. Plus, temptation is always there, and sadly, you are too far away to do anything.




Even if you opt to be together, one person will likely have to make a sacrifice. This may require sacrificing an education plan, a job, friends or family. Will you be willing to forgo all these?



But then again, sometimes 2 person need to be apart to realize how much they need to be together. Distance does help you remember all the little things, and the moments together would be much more valuable and cherished. The moments I spent with her in Sunway Pyramid is still vividly echoing in my mind. I missed it so fucking much.



Well, from my point of view, I do not believe that in an LDR, ‘distance’ is the core problem of a break up. Me and her didn't make it because we do not have a strong love foundation to begin with. But i think if both parties are willing to make a commitment to foster love between themselves, no matter what, nothing is quite impossible. Everything is in our hands. If we want it to happen, it will.





Here’s a piece of advice, for those who never made it in LDR.




You cannot assume there will be a happy ending. You can’t let someone to have too much of an influence on you. Love them. Care about them. But do not become obsessed, and DON'T FORGET the other things and people in your life. I’ve come to realized that dwelling on someone you can’t have, just makes you want them more. When you start thinking about other stuff, and less about them, you realize you may not even really want them in the first place. Sometimes it is just a passing feeling. We tend to overlook it because we are in love with them.



Sometimes, the hardest thing to let go of is the one you never really had.















我静静坐在那里,衣服也沾了夜的味道。夜色里撒着几 孤独的星星,像梦一样美,叫我如何睡得着。







那时是下课时间。我用餐后,准备回去上课。路上人来人往,熙熙攘攘,每走一步就要等一秒来走下一步。这种感觉,就像你驾车的时候,一辆 L 执照的人驾在你前面。









这 种感觉,要自己体验,非笔墨能形容。走在路中央,漫步着,什么都不需要想,那里没有生活的烦恼,没有每天的忧虑,耳里凝听的,只有夜的静谧,还有隐约的脚 步回声。眼里看见的,是星星,是月亮。晚风不时吹起,浑身浸泡在清新、有带湿润的夜味。感觉,好像活在自己的世界里,宛如大自然为你而存在。




心情写 - 男孩的故事



午夜时分,万籁俱寂 ( 一切都很宁静 ),偶尔夹着啾啾的夜鸣声,思路变得很平静,清晰。男孩想,是否女孩,正在世界的另一端,默默地等待着彼此的相遇;想着,在自己心中的她,是否同样地也在望着夜景;想着,是否此刻,也这般地想着他……


时间荏苒 ( 渐渐过去 ),一天又一天平凡地过去。

男孩在一次的邂逅 ( 偶然遇见 ) 中,爱上了女孩,女孩也知道他一直都在注意她。







茫然无奈的她,只好股起勇气走到他最爱去的角落 ,腼腆 ( 害羞 ) 地说


男孩霍地里愣 ( )住了。







哎哟!女孩见状,失惊地叫道 你干什么!


不用等到我着凉,我的心就先被你浇凉啦!女孩伸出手 伞让我来拿,快点!心酸地说。





男孩还未说完,女孩伸手嘟住他的嘴,两颗晶莹的眼珠凝滞 ( 不动 )地看着男孩,柔声说:





……’ 男孩俯首思索 ( 低头想 )


你瞧瞧。男孩指着天,说道 我对你的爱就好像天上的雨点那么多,不同的是,雨会下完,我的爱却是永恒不息的,这一切都不会变,不管怎样。







































不行……’ 女孩有气无力地说:你不能死……’







































