Wednesday, December 10

happy birthday Rianne, Ben and Arnav!


It's Rianne, Benjamin and Arnav's birthday today. Arnav is not inside the photo. But today's highlight is our hardcore Korean fan Rianne

The way i got to know her is a lil different from the classmates. She has given me a lifetime experience which I'm about to story to you right now. The first few days of college, she was sitting beside me. And then she massively offended this guy, i forgot his dog name, who sat in front of her. Before he could do anything to her, i stood like a genuine man and protected her. Of course after that we were all sent to the office for Q&A session but I became her hero ever since then.

Rianne is very the kind. I never failed to crumple up her notes everytime when i borrow them but she was still willing to lend them to me. She is also very the smart. I should tell you now that the reason why i left the tuition was because i cant even catch up with you. Haha. In redang we kicked off a rather fun conversation about my pick up tricks, female masturbation, gossips and bla bla. How nostalgic.

5 more days to go. Looking forward for more stupid memories with you!

'stop gallavanting and settle down la!' there she goes again.