Sunday, October 17

My Top 10 Commandments

1) You can't please everyone. Do what you need to do to be happy, and don't be bothered at all by those who disagree w your actions.

2) You can't change a person, but a person can change, for you.

3) The things you do may have little significance, but it is important that you do it.

4) Never blame your groupmates for their incompetence. Because being a good team player would also mean coping well w your groupmates' mental retardation.

5) The availability of your friends, your loved ones, even your blackberry, is never perpetual. In the end of the day, you have only yourself to count on, and it would always be the best resort.

6) If you don't have anything nice to say, keep your mouth shut.

7) You can't expect more from others, but you should always give more than their expectation. Never find yourself in any form of relationship debt.

8) Where you stand in anyone's life, is in accordance to how far you are willing to go for them.

9) Do a lot of self improvement. Not only you'd obtain confidence, when people attempt to fuck you over, you'd be primed to fuck them back.

10) The question isn't about who is going to let you, but who's going to stop you. - Ayn Rand. If you aren't comfortable w this attitude, it's hard to be awesome =] .