Monday, April 26

Humour vs Sarcasm

It's a fine line between them.


Everyone knows what humour is. But not everyone is blessed w sufficient amount of brain cells to understand sarcasm.

Like right now, I'm trying to be humorous. Because being sarcastic would mean the total opposite. (that everyone is smart enough to understand sarcasm)


For instance,

If you spend the whole of two hours in my bath room, and when you are finally done, I say,

'Did you help me clean the toilet?'

Now, that is sarcasm, because I'm speaking of something contrary to what I mean.

And if she replied

'Yeap, that would be 50 bucks please.'

This is half humour and half sarcasm, because this bitch might actually mean it.

Now I'm being sarcastic again.


How-the fuck-ever,

If you dropped my guitar, causing my heart to stop beating for awhile as I witnessed the whole process in matrix slow motion,

You said sorry.

I said sorry no cure.


Don't laugh

because I really WASN'T trying to be FUNNY nor SARCASTIC with you

I was only being SERIOUS, that saying sorry is not going to help un-fucking the things you fucked up for me

You bloody half-wit.