Saturday, February 20

The Right One

In our lives

we either dash about in pursuit of the right person,

or we walk at our own pace until the right one comes along.


How do we really know if they are the right ones?

How can we safely tell ourselves that they are absolutely compatible w us?

It is when

You'd spend extra time on your grooming
but at times you just don't give a shit about your looks when it comes to that person

it is when

You'd behave in a impeccable demeanor,
but at times you'd burp unconstrainedly in front of that person because you are so comfortable w them

It is when

You'd constantly work hard to improve yourself to match up w that person
but at times you just wanna be lazy, sit back and lean against them

It is when

that person brings out the best and the worst in you simultaneously

You'd know you end up w the right one =]


chern said...

true true