Tuesday, February 9

Does it ever occur to you that

that you could be in a number of different places if you made one decision differently? i mean, hell i could be at seven different colleges right now if i chose that one instead of the one i’m at now.

do you ever think about the people you could be with if you chose differently? because really, it’s all chance who you’re with right now. i could be with different people at any one of those seven colleges. or even different people if i was placed on a different floor, even a different building. it would be so easy to be somewhere else right now. with different people, doing different things, being a completely different person.

doesn’t it freak you out that one single choice alters the entire course of your life? EVERYTHING could be different because of something you did three, nine, fifteen years ago. every single decision you make, from what sandwich you eat at lunch, to when you go to bed, to where you decide to walk, to what toothpaste you use. they all change something about you. and not to mention everything you say. there’s a million possibilities of how you could respond to something. and i don’t know about you, but i always think about what would have happened if i had said something different. it would all be different right now. everything could be different right now.

absolutely everything.

I saw this post and I thought it was thought provoking so I wanna share it.