Monday, January 18

15mins post

Been MIA coz my laptop broke down.

But because I have to live up to my own 'may the force be with you' theory

i wont whine about it.

im supposed to make the best out of what i have.

library comp and headphones that potentially ruin my mohawk.


So I just had my first paper.

It was also the first paper that I actually finished w/o cheating.

a tremendous achievement i'd say

Never cheat in a place where you are unfamiliar w.

If you know what i mean.

There are so many shit I wanna talk about.

Like, how I've dated all 12 horoscopes except for the 2 horoscopes that im most compatible w

pisces and cancer (inspired by sean)

how the ugly cina ah lian who sat beside me in the library trying to fix her make up through the monitor screen

how i missed the london train but still got to board the latter train because i'm awesome

how i come to realise the difference between a pimp and a player

But I cant seem to squeeze out the time to blog about them.


Exams really fucked me over.

They are rapist in disguised who should be put into jail

fucking lame. i know

I miss eating my own cooked meal

miss taking the shower properly

miss looking good

miss drinking coffee and smoke cig w/o any mathematical thoughts in my head

and just stone......

honestly i havent really been giving 2 shits about my exams

until recently

i only have a grand total of one day to study each subject

if i failed w flying colours, i'd had it coming

but if it isn't so, i'm going to pamper myself w the resit money

challenge accepted

wish me luck guys, although i dont need it