Friday, May 29

A Ridiculous Exam Experience



A couple of days ago I had the most ridiculous exam experience ever. Not because the paper was too hard, but I had some problems w the invigilator in charged.




While having exam, do you ask for permission to use the toilet or you just swagger out?

For me, I don’t have such courtesy to go up to the invigilator and ask, ‘Hey, do I have your permission to urinate?’

I don’t pull off such a stunt. It’s not cool when you are 20 years old and still seeking approval to shake the dew off your ding dong. Likewise, no one wants to be followed to the toilet unless the follower is of the opposite sex.

And needless to say, nobody wants anyone to wait outside the door especially while you are taking a poop. You can never enjoy the moment and let it all out.

What I usually do is, I leave my seat, and make eye contact with the invigilator to indicate that I need to use the toilet. Well said and clear enough right? No? Fuck off you are not my friend.




So the whole drama came about like this:




I walked out from the examination hall (more like a classroom) without asking for permission. And when I came back, this black emo invigilator, a combination of a psychotic fuck who looks like he hasn’t slept for decades, and a cancer patient who barely has a strand of hair on his head probably due to the same massive nervous breakdown problem, stood at the classroom door waiting for me.




Round One



Black dog: Why didn’t you ask for permission when you leave the classroom?!

Ygsik: HUH?!!

Black dog: WHY didn’t you ask before you leave?! points at my face*

Ygsik: Oh erm… because… all this while I have been doing this and no one actually said anything about it.

Black dog: You cannot just walk out like this without permission, this is against the exam rule.

Ygsik: Yea but like I said no invigilator has ever complaint about this. I do that ever since my first semester and everyone here does the same.

Black dog: Stay in the class after the paper.

Ygsik: Why?!

Black dog: STAY in the classroom after the paper. points at my face again*

Ygsik: (For Fucks). walked away*

Black dog: What?!

Ygsik: continue walking away*


Round Two – after the paper

Ygsik: Yes?



Black dog: I want to write a comment about this. Your name is… Lim…..(refering to my paper)...Yang… Sik.

Ygsik: I don’t understand. I was sitting just RIGHT IN FRONT of you. Why didn’t you stop me as I was going out?

Black dog: By that time I saw you were already at the door.

Ygsik: So it is my fault that you weren’t being attentive?

Black dog: Thing is you walked out without asking for my permission and it’s against the exam rule.


Ygsik: Can we go talk to my program leader?

Black dog: Ok fine. Go.

Round 3- in the office



While we arrived at the office, that Black Fuck sprinted ahead of me to my program leader, Miss Claudine in order to get an upper hand over a verbal confrontation. What a loser.

Black dog: Miss Claudine, this boy he went out of the classroomw/o permission in the middle of an examination. I don’t know where the hell he went but he went out w/o permission. and I don't like this boy he’s very arrogant bla bla bla…

At the same time he was writing a long long comment on an invigilator paper. Something like that

Ygsik: Hey I don’t like to way you describe me.

Black dog: No one cares whether you like it or not. I don’t like the way you are and that is more important.

I have to say, that was a bloody good line. I didn’t have a comeback for that and I stood there hopelessly and let him bruised my pride. At that point, I was as close as a nanometer to whack that piece of shit on the spot. My rage has completely taken over me. I have a long fuse, but when it hits bottom I explode. Fortunately, my last shred of dignity holds me back. I know that’s not the way to do it if you really want to fuck a lecturer upside down.

A wise decision is to collect every single piece of information about your enemy, etc his car’s whereabouts so you can take it outside your college w/o wooing trouble to yourself. Better still, provoke him and make him whack you in the office right before all lecturers’ eyes. That way, not only his line of career becomes all gloomy in an instant, you’ll have all eyes on you and become a superstar in your Uni. Nothing is sweeter than the taste of victory.

So I asked:

Ygsik: How should I address you?


Ygsik: Why? Are you embarrassed of being who you are?

Claudine: He’s Mr. Ramish.

Ygsik: Sorry I beg your pardon. Rubbish?

His face turned purple. YES!

Claudine: Mr. Ramish.

Ygsik: Oh. Ramish izit.

Claudine: It’s Mr Ramish. Yang Sik I want to talk to you personally.

Miss Claudine was an angel. Not only she apologized on behalf of that blackie, she tried to sedate my anger and rationalize everything for me. I didn’t heed well thou. I was too angry.

After the talk, I walked up to where that black fuck sits.

Ygsik: Mr Ramish.

Black dog: Yes?

Ygsik: I just want to say sorry.

I paused. Then I pulled up that sympathetic look and continue,

Ygsik: I feel sorry for you that, judging from your eye bags, you probably have sleepless nights arguing with your wife about how a distressful person you are… (Get out just get out!) and your kids probably find you very disgraceful…( Get out now you are not allowed to be here!) DUDE! don’t ask me to leave, I’ve paid my fees and I’m entitled all the rights to use every facility KDU has. Who do you think is paying your pathetic salary?

Black dog stood up and looked around for help. I continued,

Ygsik: You live a very depressing life so you abuse your power as a lecturer and pick on students and put them through all sorts of trouble to find pleasure like what you did today. You just have to let me walk out from the classroom where you clearly know that I was breaking the rules, and then get me into trouble and be happy about it. How sad…

Black dog: Get out now! I will take further actions.

Ygsik: Oh really? Please go ahead because I can’t wait to see what will ever happen to me! And please go back and have some good sleep because things are going to happen to you very soon. Be prepared. Chao!




The moral of the story is, if you are messing with someone who has a higher social status than you, remain calm, be tactful and not disrespectful. This will minimize the chances of you getting sued or even if he intended to sue you, he will have nothing to sue you over.



What about those who have an equal social status? JUST WHACK LA!


Saturday, May 16

心情写 - 男孩的故事



午夜时分,万籁俱寂 ( 一切都很宁静 ),偶尔夹着啾啾的夜鸣声,思路变得很平静,清晰。男孩想,是否女孩,正在世界的另一端,默默地等待着彼此的相遇;想着,在自己心中的她,是否同样地也在望着夜景;想着,是否此刻,也这般地想着他……


时间荏苒 ( 渐渐过去 ),一天又一天平凡地过去。

男孩在一次的邂逅 ( 偶然遇见 ) 中,爱上了女孩,女孩也知道他一直都在注意她。







茫然无奈的她,只好股起勇气走到他最爱去的角落 ,腼腆 ( 害羞 ) 地说


男孩霍地里愣 ( )住了。







哎哟!女孩见状,失惊地叫道 你干什么!


不用等到我着凉,我的心就先被你浇凉啦!女孩伸出手 伞让我来拿,快点!心酸地说。





男孩还未说完,女孩伸手嘟住他的嘴,两颗晶莹的眼珠凝滞 ( 不动 )地看着男孩,柔声说:





……’ 男孩俯首思索 ( 低头想 )

你瞧瞧。男孩指着天,说道 我对你的爱就好像天上的雨点那么多,不同的是,雨会下完,我的爱却是永恒不息的,这一切都不会变,不管怎样。







































不行……’ 女孩有气无力地说:你不能死……’









































Wednesday, May 13

Fuck it's shrinking

I don't miss gym. I just miss the result. It's sooo heart wrenching to see it fade day by day. Fuck la i better get good grades for this upcoming finals.

Got this from Chern's facebook.

After my exams, give me 2 months. Around August, I will become like that. No supplements no nothing. It will be all Yangsik. Just see.

Monday, May 11

Bedtime story



One evening an old Cherokee Indian told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said,

‘My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’ inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, guilt, resentment, lies, false pride and superiority. The other is good. It is peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.’

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, 'Which wolf wins?’

The old Cherokee simply replied, ‘The one you choose to feed.’




There are times where our emotions seem to be getting the best of us. You can choose to be a victim of your own emotions and get carried away, or you can choose to maintain a decidedly mellow demeanor and prevail over them.

The choice is yours.



Wednesday, May 6

Realization w Recuperation



I’m seriously very susceptible to my emo-ness. Considering the fact that I have only 15days left to study, divide by 5 subjects, I have only 3 days for each subject. I should be terrified right now, but here I am sit brooding for hours on trivial thoughts.

And when I finally managed to bum my ass on a chair, flip open my textbook, it rekindled and started bombarding me with a steady stream of emo thoughts again. My whole body spasm-ed. Eventually I succumbed to it and took a detour to do something else that will keep me distracted.

Yes. It was this bad. Just a few hours ago, it culminated and I decided to call someone for humane treatment. As I was hovering between my contacts, it hit me in the head and I suddenly realized the root of all problems. I gained back a good grip on my senses, and have com to realize the fact that, I was never good on my own.




That brings me to why I have multiple relationships. And in the end of a relationship, I’d embark on a rebound. I’m the type of person who just has to like someone.



To me, we human can be categorized into two: one who live for others, and one who live for himself.

Me, someone who live for others, wouldn’t spend more than 100 bucks on myself. But for others, I could be very giving.

The thing is, I wouldn’t work so hard for myself. I’d take things easy. I wouldn’t be as determined in pursuing my goals if there wasn’t anyone special behind me to motivate me. I’m propelled to do things by others. Since young, I used to study a lot and got really good grades. Because as a middle child in the family, I feel compelled to do so to be appreciated by my parents. But when I no longer see the need of it, I goofed off and become stupid. I take up self improve programs in order to be more compatible for my love ones. But when it comes to an end, I’d slack off again.

And now that there’s no particular person that I truly like right now, I feel lost. I feel so miserable. I feel like, there’s no purpose in life anymore. I’ve become very demotivated to do anything.





What the FUCK have I been doing man!! All this while, I have been completely dependent on someone else to engross in whatever I do, and whatever I have been doing is on the needs of others. How can i be so FUCKING stupid for such a long duration?!

If you have this sort of misconception, be smart and quickly dissipate it, reconsider other purpose in life and don’t let it fret your mind cloud your brow. Listen to what my beloved friends say:

Joanna: study the fuck out of your brain, be very smart so u can say this safely: fuck you bitch! Look what you just missed out on!

Misha: you continue being like this there is every likelihood that you’d end up a loser which will only prove to her that she was right to leave you

Rianne: you don’t need anyone to complete you, to be yang sik

Wendy: suffer now and when the day you become fucking successful, you will no longer need to pick up chicks; they’ll flock to you

They sound like my world is revolving around girls and girls only, which is so wrong. But other than that, whatever they say is true. And thank you, Sarah and Michelle, for listening to my long tedious rants. I feel a lot better now.



Optimistic vs Pessimistic




I feel so dejected again, I don’t know what’s wrong w me. I just can’t bring myself to study at this state.


I slept at 11.30 last night. Woke up at 2.30. I’m suffering from insomnia again.

It’s very draining on me. I can’t remember the last time I had a good quality sleep. I just need one, long, peaceful sleep to bring me back to health, to normal, not emo. Just one, it’s an awfully modest demand. I even quit drinking coffee because the caffeine contributes 0.00001% to the chance of losing sleep. Izit too much too ask for?

I guess I’m having the lows of my life again. But it’s rather perplexing because I basically become depressed over nothing. Like no apparent reason at all. If that is my karma, he’s doing a fantastic job. All these, depression, anxiety, nervous breakdown just blown in like magic. Out of the blue, I’ve become so let down. Just like that, literally just like that snaps*



Seemingly, there is a therapy to this, according to my counselor. I should start seeing things in a glass half full manner to be more happy.


1) Glass half empty: my sister is a retard.

2) Glass half full: hey she’s still growing and just not as well mentally developed as you…

But when you take a closer look, you’ll realize, the first statement is still the reality; succinct, precise and 100% pure authentic truth that she is a R.E.T.A.R.D

And the optimistic way is just a way of thinking to make us feel better, a refuge one seek when one fails to accept the reality. It’s a sign of weakness.

I said this to my counselor and she sighed out a silent grief. (haiiiiiiiih cant he just shut up!?!?!?) Then again, it’s a fact that she still has to deal with, that I’m an incorrigible prick. No matter how she wants to interpret it, glass half full/empty, sadly it won’t make me any less a pain in the ass to counsel. The problem would still be there.




6am in the morning that day, I drove to ss2 to have dim sum and drink some Chinese tea. China man advocating china man lifestyle baby! All by myself thou. Jason Foo!! Get your ass back in Malaysia asap!! No one else is as stupid/cool as us to do that early in the morning already. Miss you man


For those who are having exams too, good luck!! I don't need it. heheh. I just need to study. STUDY STUDY STUDY STUDY